I go out of my way to make people feel special because I know how it feels to feel worthless.
Hi readers, Lets get a little personal. In this blog I will be talking about my daily struggles with feeling worthless and some coping mechanisms that help me through. I am putting it out there so, it can help anyone that feels this way too. Just know that you are not alone. we have all been there at one point of life or other where we feel worthless and hopeless.
Lets first understand where this feeling is coming from. Like in my case I realized this feeling was there because of some childhood experiences I have had and emotional abuse I was going through at the time.
It is also important to understand that self-esteem issues can stem from several different sources and can vary between person to person. Here are some common reasons as to why you might be struggling right now:
- Childhood experiences such as bullying and domestic abuse.
- Adult situations like terminated from a job, financial issues, or dealing with a divorce.
- Feeling like “the odd one out” at school or work, and other social situations.
- Stress and pressure to meet demands.
- Discrimination in various capacities, especially on a regular basis.
- and it can also depend on if you have depression or not.
now, here are some things that helped me on the daily basis;
journaling help me put things in right preceptive. Lets be honest our mind can be a mess at time. There are times when we just cant think straight. but when we starting writing things that bother us down, it suddenly starts to make sense. I remember writing down “its not a big deal if someone’s treating you poorly, just ignore it” then I reviewed it in right mindset and put a reminder down there “TO NEVER LET ANYONE TREAT YOU POORLY” . If that’s what’s happening to you then please remove yourself out of that situation immediately. You deserve better.
moreover make a gratitude journal. Write what you grateful for everyday. It helps immensely.
Set Boundaries
I just cannot stress enough on how important it is to set boundaries in general. I know a cousin of mine whose mind is Messer than mine but she seems to be doing much better than me. how? because she is wise enough to know who to let into your life and who not.
Do something for someone else
sometimes when you feeling worthless, focusing your attention on someone else can help. Research has shown that engaging in activities like volunteering for your community or helping someone else in need can have a positive effect on a person’s happiness and well-being.
Do what you love
when you do what you love, it will help you feel productive which in return will generate the happy hormone and positivity.
Try a mental health app
There are a number of different mobile apps devoted to improving mental health. Some apps may provide tools such as positive affirmations, mindfulness training, or exercises that are designed to help you identify and change patterns of negative thinking.